We will stake our reputation on it that we have a category to cure anyone’s boredom, but here you will find our top websites collection of all round cool pages. This selection has been handpicked by our team, and are guaranteed to slay those boring days and put a smile on your face at the same time! Some of the pages you will know, and are household name, but some of them have been found hidden away in the dark corners of the internet waiting to be discovered by us. These hand picked beauties don’t have any niche, don’t fall into any particular category, apart for fact that we love them.
If you know of any web pages that deserve a place in our top websites category then let us know via the submission tab, If we think it’s cool we will add it to our vaults.
As well as have a vast array of fun and hilarious web pages, we also have a category at the other end of the spectrum. The random and useless website category is full of web pages that have no function in life other than being completely pointless. So why not spend some time check this and every other page out if you have nothing to do and you are looking to waste some time.