Useless Websites and Pointless Links

Useless Websites

Welcome to the most Useless Websites on the planet to cure your boredom,  We a pretty confident that this collection is the strangest, weirdest and most bizarre set of links you will ever see on the internet. They have been found in the 4 corners of the internet waiting to be discovered.  And now we have brought them all together into one place. Some of these are really funny, some of them are insanely boring themselves, and some of them serve no purpose to this world what so ever. While completely random and useless these pointless sites will keep you occupied for hours on end. i mean, who doesn’t want to hear a virtual stapler clicking? or let out an emergency yodel? We are constantly adding to our vaults, so keep checking back. And finally, don’t forget to visit our fun forum where you will find like minded people all trying to waste time at work home or on the go.


If you think we have missed anything off our list then get in touch with us and we will add it to our vaults. Remember, the weirder and stranger the better.  


Listen To Rain

Listen To Rain Don’t you just love when it rains? Rainy mood  allows people to listen to the soothing sound of the rain. With the motto “Rain makes everything better”, this website won’t necessarily relieve your boredom, but it will keep you ‘chilled out’ for hours.    

The restart page

The Restart Page

Feeling Bored. Then Live Life On The Edge By Re-living Your Favorite Computer Restart Pages The Restart Page simulates the full and exciting rebooting process of a wide variety of old, and nostalgic operating systems from computer history. So, rediscover the restart screens from Windows XP, AmigaDOS, NeXT. And try your best to contain your excitement with this amazing boredom busting

marvellous breadfish

The Marvellous Breadfish

Are You Looking For A Whole New Level Of Weirdness To Cure Your Boredom ? Then Check Out The Hilarious Marvellous Breadfish Yes, you heard us correctly The Marvellous Breadfish. This cool website is effectively a Youtube video about a load of fish surrounded by loafs of bread. Bizarre, weird, funny and hilarious all rolled into one.  We guarantee that 

Cat Purr Simulator

Cat Purr Simulator

Bored? Love Cats? Then Check Out This Cat Purr Simulator After a boring, stressful or frustrating day, The cat purr simulator gives you the soothing sound of a pussy cat without the allergy. Cuddling up with a purring cat is such a relaxing and comforting experience. And some comprehensive scientific studies have shown that people who own cats have lower

rate my poop

Rate My Poop

Rate My Poop This site will go down in history. A site dedicated to doing what nobody else would… rating your poop. If you were hoping to fine, we have bad news for you. Sadly the website everyone had once loved if no longer online. It’s currently offline but there’s still hope! Users of Reddit will still rate your logs! Head

geo kitten

Geo Kitten

Geo Kitten Can your choice of kitten predict where you live? Well Geo kitten can do this for you. This utterly useless website will use a series of multiple choice kittens to drill down your exact location.  Clever eh?      

screaming beans

Screaming Beans

Having A Boring Day? Then Why Not Crush Screaming Beans With Your Finger? This funny website cures your boredom by squishing screaming beans with a finger.  Listen to their moans and put them out of their misery with a pinkie from above.  A hugely addictive website which will keep you occupied for hours      

virtual stapler

Virtual Stapler

Do You Love The Sound Of A Stapler In Action? Well Replicate It Now With The Virtual Stapler.  Now With Three Different Staplers To Choose From Come on, admit it, if you’re a fan of stationary then there is nothing more satisfying to hear than the crunch of a stapler in action. Well now the virtual stapler can give you

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie

If you love useless websites you will love the Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie. So what is it? Well, the Aluminum Foil Deflector Beanie, or otherwise known as AFDB is a specific type of head wear that can protect your head and brain from most psychotronic and electromagnetic mind control carriers.  You never know who is trying to control your mind, whether

Centennial bulb

Centennial Bulb -World’s Longest Lasting Light

Centennial Bulb Live Cam Located in an active fire station in Livermore, California, this weird website live streams a light bulb. On first impressions this is a useless website from a standard building in the US. However, we’re pleased to report that you couldn’t be more wrong. (Well we seem to think so anyway) The Centennial bulb has been shining

teleport me anywhere new

Random Google Street Map

Teleport Me Somewhere New With The Random Google Street Map Don’t you wish that you could Teleport yourself to any random street or view in the world? Well this random google street map viewer does this for you.  Simply press the GO button and from the comfort of your computer you will immediately be shown an image from anywhere in

How many seconds

How Many Seconds Can You Last

How Many Seconds Can You Last How many seconds can you last on this website? If you are are truly bored then log onto and try and beat the all time record. You can even get a badge to show the total time you have wasted. Go on. Be all that you can be! The currently record for us stands

Funny Mona Lisa Images

Funny Mona Lisa Images

The Largest Collection Of Funny Mona Lisa Images on the Internet? Mega Mona Lisa is a collection of Mona Lisa pictures, not just one or two, but hundreds of them. where you can explore every type parody improvements, collages or just design your own unique, stupid,quirky version.  Turn yourself into the next Da Vinci with this hilarious website. Warning to

Fart Simulator

Pull My Finger Fart Simulator

The Very Immature But Oh So Funny Pull My Finger Fart Simulator Do you remember when someone played the pull my finger fart prank on you when you were younger? now relive it with this cool website for fart lovers. experience lots of different fart sounds every time you pull the pinkie.  If you are bored in the office, then

Online Ouija Board

Online Ouija Board

Love Weird Websites? – Online Ouija Board Are you Looking For Your Daily Dose Of Useless Websites? Then Check Out The Online Ouija Board, this will make you laugh and spook you out  in equal measures. This paranormal game is exactly as it sounds.  You can now use this to ask any question you like to the spirit world and

Bees Bees Bees

Bees Bees Bees By Oprah Winfrey

Bees Bees Bees You have been sitting there now for over two hours staring into space with zilch on your mind. Feeling bored like a brainless glump. This is going to do you no good whatsoever. What is needed is something to do online. Nothing too taxing mind you….Any completely USELESS WEBSITE will do the trick. And boy do we

Worlds longest marble run

Worlds Longest Marble Run

Help to create the worlds longest marble run Do you want thrill and excitement in taking part in the worlds longest marble run? then this is the website to cure your boredom. If you’re having a really boring day at work, or you are stuff in the house with noting to do then here you go,  The game equips you

Four Squares

Four Squares

Four Squares Start with four squares that cover the page and keep reducing them down until you can’t click any more.  Utterly useless, but this should help you while away those boring days, as it is hugely addictive.  

revolving internet screen

Revolving Internet Screen

Feeling Bored? Want To Google With A Revolving Internet Screen? Then You Are In The Right Place The revolving internet screen does exactly as it says.  Use this as a normally search engine. But this utterly useless web page constantly rotates. If you are having a boring day and are fed up with the same boring google page, then this

slide ventura

Slide Ventura

Fix Your Boredom Now With Slide Ventura – A Pointless Websites That’s Perfect For Jim Carey Fans Slide Ventura is a funny pointless website that features an interactive sliding door that you can move back and forth, whilst Jim Carey sings at the top of his voice. If you are a fan of the ace ventura films and Jim Carey