Websites For Music Lovers
We all love music, whether it’s Folk Music, Country Music, Classical Music or Plain Rock n Roll. So When you’re bored at home with nothing to do there is an alternative to turning on your radio of sticking on your playlist. Here at Bored a lot we have put together a huge collection of fun things to do online just for music lovers. Now some of these are a little bit weird, some are a tad strange, but all of them are guaranteed to put boredom to bed and put a smile on your face.
Check out virtual drumming. Yep you heard us right, a website that has been built to mimic a real drum kit, play with your fingers on your phone or your mouse on your computer. Turn up the sound and bash that kit to your favorite tune. Or how about the nostalgia machine. Cast your mind back to your childhood or the best time in your live with this cool website. Pick a date in time and it will give you a list of the most popular tracks in those 12 months. If you really want a laugh you can always try the screaming goat piano. This is a website that has a set of piano keys that instead of making tranquil keyboard sounds, has a variety of screaming goats.
We are constantly updating this section so if you thing we have missed anything then please let us know. As long as it is unique, and lets face it a little bit weird then we would love to hear from you. We will also credit you with a back link if you own the site.
Finally, if you loved this page then check out the other section in the inspire me category. Here are our hand picked posts that form part of the most popular tags on our website. Again, we are constantly updating this so stay tuned for more posts when you have nothing to do online and are looking for fun sites to cure your boring day.

Virtual Piano
Virtual Piano Virtual Piano is an awesome idea to cure your boredom, and what’s great is that no one appears to have thought of before: simply play the

Have A Go At Virtual Drumming
Cure Your Boredom With Virtual Drumming Do you love playing the drums? then kill your boring day with this virtual drumming kit. Use your mouse

Time Travel Radio
Time Travel Radio If you love music and listen to all different types of genre in your car or on the go, then this is

The Nostalgia Machine
If You’re having a Really Boring Day, Then The Nostalgia Machine is The Coolest Boredom Website You Need Right Now. The nostalgia machine is one

Bongo Cat
Slay Your Boredom With Bongo Cat. Some geniuses of the internet have created Bongo Cat. That’s right, a really clever virtual cat that plays a

Music Sleeve Face
Feeling Bored? Then Music Sleeve Face Is What You Need Music sleeve face is one or more person obscuring or augmenting any part of their

Type Drummer
Want To Make Sweet Tunes When You Type? Then Check Out Type Drummer Type drummer is one of those utterly useless but really cool websites

16000 Sound Effects
Why Not Cure Your Boredom By Listening To All 16000 Sound Effects On This BBC Website For some unknown reason the BBC have collated a

Music Map
Bored Of Listening To The Same Old Music? Then Music Map Is The Site For You Music Map allows you to type in any band

Screaming Goat Piano
The Screaming Goat Piano – Play Your Favorite Tune In Goat Check out the screaming goat piano, craft your best tune. this is also a

Hum Or Sing A Song
Hum Or Sing A Song Feeling Bored? This amazing website by Midomi allows you to hum or sing any song that you can’t think the name

Tiny Tuba
The Tiny Tuba The Tiny Tuba is a completely useless website that will play a short and very frustrating tuba sound every time you press