Then Check out our range of funny, useless and fun online games for bored people just to keep you occupied through those lifeless days. Here at bored a lot, we don’t publish the normal shoot em up’s that every other web page provides. We are different. We trawl the 4 corners of the internet to bring you the weird, the bizarre, the crazy, and the games that you never knew existed. Why? Because even the most avid gamer gets bored and wants to try something different. So go on. Push Trump off a cliff. play a full round of virtual golf or play a shoot em up with an Astro Alpaca You know you want to!
If you know of a fun online games, or you own one yourself, then submit it to us and if it meets our criteria we will add it to the vaults.
Remember,the weirder the better for us, and we love unusual stuff that has people scratching their heads in disbelief. So don’t be shy, give us a try and never look for things to do online when you’re bored again !