Useless Websites and Pointless Links

Useless Websites

Welcome to the most Useless Websites on the planet to cure your boredom,  We a pretty confident that this collection is the strangest, weirdest and most bizarre set of links you will ever see on the internet. They have been found in the 4 corners of the internet waiting to be discovered.  And now we have brought them all together into one place. Some of these are really funny, some of them are insanely boring themselves, and some of them serve no purpose to this world what so ever. While completely random and useless these pointless sites will keep you occupied for hours on end. i mean, who doesn’t want to hear a virtual stapler clicking? or let out an emergency yodel? We are constantly adding to our vaults, so keep checking back. And finally, don’t forget to visit our fun forum where you will find like minded people all trying to waste time at work home or on the go.


If you think we have missed anything off our list then get in touch with us and we will add it to our vaults. Remember, the weirder and stranger the better.  

traffic cone appreciation society

Traffic Cone Preservation Society

The Traffic Cone Preservation Society. If you are completely bored out of your mind, or you have a deep love of traffic cones, then this is the website for you. Up until the late 20th century, traffic cones weren’t thought worthy enough for a scientific study. It is therefore the Traffic Cone Preservation Society’s mission to pay back those centuries

corgi orgy

The Corgi Orgy – A Dog Lovers Dream

The Corgi Orgy I’M BORED…you think to yourself. What on earth can I do? I have read every WhatsApp message 10 times over. There is nothing on daytime TV. There surely must be other things to do online.  Well hold it right there. Here we have a  real gem of a site for you to checkout. Head on down to

Worlds longest marble run

Worlds Longest Marble Run

Help to create the worlds longest marble run Do you want thrill and excitement in taking part in the worlds longest marble run? then this is the website to cure your boredom. If you’re having a really boring day at work, or you are stuff in the house with noting to do then here you go,  The game equips you

Four Squares

Four Squares

Four Squares Start with four squares that cover the page and keep reducing them down until you can’t click any more.  Utterly useless, but this should help you while away those boring days, as it is hugely addictive.  

revolving internet screen

Revolving Internet Screen

Feeling Bored? Want To Google With A Revolving Internet Screen? Then You Are In The Right Place The revolving internet screen does exactly as it says.  Use this as a normally search engine. But this utterly useless web page constantly rotates. If you are having a boring day and are fed up with the same boring google page, then this

slide ventura

Slide Ventura

Fix Your Boredom Now With Slide Ventura – A Pointless Websites That’s Perfect For Jim Carey Fans Slide Ventura is a funny pointless website that features an interactive sliding door that you can move back and forth, whilst Jim Carey sings at the top of his voice. If you are a fan of the ace ventura films and Jim Carey

fish camera

Live Fish Tank Camera

Bored? Then Check Out This Live Fish Tank Camera Way back in 1994 when the internet was still a craze yet to catch on a real time camera was trained upon a lonely fish tank within the as yet unknown company Netscape. The Fish Camera transmitted live images of the fish  tank to avid viewers around the world on the

Pointer Pointer

Pointer Pointer – Have fun With Your Cursor

Bored? Have Some Fun With Pointer Pointer Here at we have dedicated this website to the bored people of this world. We want to shout this out from the rooftops…”Enough is enough, stand up with your heads held high, no more are we going to let you take this helpless feeling of boredom anymore. We stand with you shoulder

do nothing for 2 minutes

Do Nothing For 2 Minutes

Do Nothing For Two Minutes Are looking looking for a relaxing moment or time out? then check out this website that counts down from 2 minutes! So just sit back, turn your sound up and listen to the waves    

moving sand

Moving Sand

Bored? Then Try Moving Sand How cool would it be to move half a screen of sand to the other half one pixel at a time?  This moving sand game is the ultimate boredom buster and will take hours to complete.  Once you start you simply can’t stop.  And what’s great about this game is that after hours of wasted

telegraph pole appreciation

Telegraph Pole Appreciation

Cure Your Boredom With The Telegraph Pole Appreciation Society The telegraph pole appreciation society brings these much ignored and somewhat beautiful pieces of rural and urban furniture into a website of their own. If you are after the technical boring stuff, then this cool website isn’t for you. Here you will get photos, photos, and more photos of glorious telegraph

free fresh air

Free Fresh Air

Do You Want Some Free Fresh Air? This cool website allows you to get free fresh air from a tiny virtual fan on those hot and sweltering days. Whilst most similar websites will charge you for their fresh air, this site is completely free. How long can you sit back and watch the little fan twirling around before you get

Fun Switcher

Fun Switcher

Fun Switcher – Switch on 1000s of Fun Sounds and Voices Do you want something fun, weird and addictive to cure your boredom? Then the fun switcher is the cool website for you.  Choose from pages of stupid sounds clips, movie,people and random stuff.  Switch on the happy days theme tune. Listen to He-man, Ace Venturer or Super Mario. You

Grandpa no clothes

Grandpa No Clothes. Childish Fun For Boredom

Grandpa No Clothes – Have Some Childish Fun When You’re Bored This is quite possibly the strangest weirdest website we have ever had the privilege or should we say the misfortune to ever see. This beats any website that we have ever seen hands down flat for absolute pointlessness.  When you click your mouse on you are greeted with

Slap a dude with an eel

Slap A Dude With An Eel

Slap A Dude With An Eel Are you so bored out of your mind that you could just do with a laugh? Then check out this useless website that allows you to slap a poor dude with an eel! You know, that long slimy creature that swims in the sea?  You can slap him quickly or slap him in slow

Tiny Tuba

The Tiny Tuba The Tiny Tuba is a completely useless website that will play a short and very frustrating tuba sound every time you press it.  This is great for bored people and practical jokers that just want to wind up their whole office with the same sound over and over again.        

air sick bag museum

Air Sick Bag Museum

Having A Boring Day? Then Why Not Check Out The Air Sick Bag Museum? Welcome to the air sick bag museum. A virtual portal of over 3000 appraised sickness bags from around the world. Spend hours of your boring day checking these out and understanding where they came from and their history.  If you are feeling really bored and love

weird moving eyes

Weird Moving Eyes

Cure Your Boredom For Just 2 Minutes With These Weird Moving Eyes This cool website features a load of weird moving eyes that follow you around the screen as you move your mouse. It’s very Bizarre, but completely pointless.  Perfect if you don’t want to think and just need some light boredom relief.  

real air guitars

Real Air Guitars

Turn I’m Bored Into Real Air Guitars Music Are you a music lover? have you ever wanted to master the Air Guitar?  Well this cool website is the worlds only manufacturer and supplier of real air guitars.  This random and pointless website stocks a large range of electric and acoustic instruments and accessories.  So if the strings on your air

Llama font

Llama Font Writing

Say It With Llama Font!  Write What You Like In Llama Have you ever been so bored that you wished that you could write in Llama style font?  go on! admit it!  well now you can with this utterly pointless website.  Create any word or sentence you like in this stylish and beautiful Llama font. This site is perfect for