Learn Morse Code

Are you sat in front of your phone or laptop bored out of your mind? Then why not learn morse code? Developed in the 1840s, and before the  telephone as we  know it.  (And yes! even before cell phones were invented) it was designed to communicate across large expanses using a simple and easy to translate format. This cool and interesting website provides you with easy to understand pages on the morse alphabet,  morse training and frequently asked questions.   You are even able to type out whatever you want into a search box and  it will translate it for you.

Clearly this  website  is completely useless and pointless if you have  no one else to speak to, but you will never know when it will come in handy for quiz nights or showing your  friends and familyjust how clever you really are.

Let us know in the comments section if you mastered the code, and don’t forget to comment in Morse. 🙂

Learn Morse Code

Take Me To This Website


Hit Me A Random Website


If you loved this clever website, then  don’t forget to check out the others in the clever stuff category. Where else can you learn the Klingon language, take a 3d visit to Mars or try to complete a virtual Rubiks cube.  We guarantee that this boredom category alone will keep your occupied for hours and hours.  Enjoy

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