The Corgi Orgy
I’M BORED…you think to yourself. What on earth can I do? I have read every WhatsApp message 10 times over. There is nothing on daytime TV. There surely must be other things to do online.
Well hold it right there. Here we have a real gem of a site for you to checkout. Head on down to
You will see loads of moving little corgis along with this loud kind of cute awful music and the un-nerving sound of a dog going woof! woof! woof! non-stop. Then a really large corgi dog appears moving slowly across you screen. Right that’s it, you think, is this what my life has finally come too? So you try to leave the page by moving your mouse and boredom quickly turns to blind panic, As you desperately try to find it so you can escape from this nightmare your mouse seems to have disappeared. Then out of the corner of your eye you spot it. Slowly you head for the little X at the top of the page. Then suddenly you see a link at the bottom, so you click it…
You then find yourself staring at an Instagram page of cute little dogs. Eventually you make your escape, and you realise that you have just witnessed the most pointless website on the face of this planet. But at least your boredom has gone.

More Weird Weird Websites
Never have that boredom feeling again. If you love completely pointless unseen but funny weird and wonderful websites you really have come to the best place.
Here at proudly we will take you and your mouse to websites you have never been to before. And most probably will never go to again. But trust me you will be highly entertained. So much so you won’t be able to stop yourself telling all of your friends about how you and only you have discovered the most amazing boredom eliminating website.