Make Your Own Avatar
Have you ever gone to make a comment on a blog or a website and found that you have the most boring avatar on the planet? Well now you can change that. Face your Manga is a really cool website that allows you to make your own avatar. Yep that’s right. you really are able to make a version of yourself or any other person you can think of. You start off with a ‘Mini Me’ looking character with a bald head and pointy out ears. You know? the one of Austin Powers. But when you start to change the chin, the hair, the eyebrows, your creation comes to life. This avatar creator allows for pretty much every change you can think of. including the clothes you want it to wear. So if you are feeling artistic and are bored at work or in the house then give this avatar Creator a try.

More Things To Do Online
This link is part of the arts and crafts websites category. Here you will find all of the creative type websites that will get your juices flowing during those boring days. Sites that we feature include a super hero creator and the ever popular virtual Lego. Come up with your very own masterpiece brick by brick. And when you’re done with that category move onto the next. Boredalot is your one stop shop for cool things to do online when you’re bored. so we promise that you will never have to scroll a Facebook or Twitter feed ever again if you have nothing to do.
Submit A Bored Website To Us
We are always on the lookout for weird and unusual websites, so if you have seen something that would fit our niche then let us know and we will try our best to add it to our archives for the whole world to see. And don’t forget, of you own the website we will even credit a link back to you.