Human Benchmark Brain Training Tests
If you’re fed up of scouring though your Facebook or twitter feed then give these brain training tests a go. The website human benchmark has put together a series of tests to see how well your brain is working. These tests include your reflexes, your hearing, typing and visual memory. You can also take the aiming test and the are you smarter than a chimp exam. So if you are wondering if all of your social media is rotting away your mind then here is the perfect way to find out. Once you have taken the tests you are then able to see how you performed against everyone else and whether you are better or worse than the human benchmark. Let us know in the comment how you got on and whether Facebook has killed your brain.

More Random Websites
This link is part of the brain training websites category. A section dedicated to getting the grey matter working and staying healthy. Learn languages such as Aborigine and Klingon (Yes that’s right, the intergalactic dialect) or take part in really cool science experiments. This category is perfect if you are looking for something different to do, or you are just bored out of your mind and you want to challenge your brain to a competition. But don’t forget. We are not all about brain training. We are the largest resource for bored websites on the internet and aim to have a link for every type of boredom on the plane. Whether you are looking for pointless sites, useless websites or a random website, we can assure you that you will never Google I’m bored ever again. So what are you waiting for? stop reading and get exploring.